Friday, January 18, 2013

People want peace

I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it. overcapacity overbuy overburden overbid overboard overburdensome overcapitalize overbold overcast overcasual overcharge overcoat overcautious overcloud overcareful overcome overcompetitive overcommon overcompensate overcomplacency overconcern overcomplacent antilegomena anthropotheism antibromic antiblastic anthropopathy anticryptic antichresis antichthon antilapsarianism antigropelos antigalactic antilogism antimony antinomianism antilogy antilogarithm antipudic antiscian antithalian antistrophe antiphrasis antimnemonic antinomy antipedobaptism antitypy antiphon antithesis antiperistasis antonomasia apaesthesia anurous aorist anzactile apagoge anuptaphobia anuresis antrorse apantomancy antre apatetic aphagia aperient apanage aphesis apercu apheresis aphemia aphicide apay aphnology aphidicide aphthong aphrodisiomania aphotic aphologistic aphrasia apian apical apocope aplanatic apocalypticism apocatastasis apivorous apiology apistia apiculture apocatastisis apiarian apocarteresis apocrisiary apodal apologetics apograph apodosis apolaustic apodictic aponia apodysophilia apopemptic apophthegm aporia apophoret apophasis apositia apotelesm apostrophe apotropaic apostasy apostil aposiopesis

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